Town Fair Tire

New Town Fair Tire Retail Store in Rutland, Vermont

Client: Town Fair Tire
Location: Rutland, VT
Project:  New Tire Retail and Service building


Town Fair Tire is a Tire Retail and Service Chain with over 90 locations throughout New England.  The owners typically manage their own construction in-house, but decided to negotiate with Russell Construction Services to build their first store in Vermont.

The building is a 8800 sf block structure with a showroom and a 7 bay service area.


LEED Certified VSECU by Russell Construction Services


Vermont State Employees Credit Union

Client:   Vermont State Employees Credit Union
Location:   Rutland, VT
Delivery Method:  Lump Sum
Size: 4,300 ft2
Year Completed:   November, 2011
Value: $2,000,000
LEED:  GOLD Certified
Architect:   Gossens Bachman Architects

VSECU is a 4,300 square foot wood framed bank branch, office and
conference space, located in Rutland, VT. The project was certified as
LEED Gold. The building was designed for efficiency.

It has a high end mechanical, controls, electrical system, and was designed with triple-pane windows for plenty of natural light. Russell contracted with VSECU
after successfully competing in the hard bid process. The project was
substantially over budget, which required a great deal of Value Engineering (VE).

We worked very closely with the architect and other consultants to provide
over 30% of the contract cost in VE items to the Owner without sacrificing
quality, nor LEED points to the project.

The Vermont Country Store

Renovations, Additions and Connectors at the Vermont Country Store

Client:  The Vermont Country Store
Location: Rockingham, Vermont and Weston, Vermont

The Vermont Country Store hired Russell based on our ability to meet aggressive schedules and our craftsmen’s reputation for superior workmanship. The project consists of connecting the existing retail store to the adjacent sale barn with a new timber frame addition, as well as completely renovating the existing barn to allow for its year round use.  As part of the renovations, Russell re-sided the barn, put in new flooring,
added bathrooms and a new customer entry porch and rear receiving entry.

At their Weston Store we added a connector for their wine and cheese store to incorporate this area into the main store’s floor plan. We also built a new addition to the Bryant House Restaurant for their new commercial kitchen and an exterior snack shack.